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Enhancing Existing Hamlets

County continues further development in Nordegg

Sep 30, 2020 | 2:57 PM

Clearwater County’s Nordegg development plan continues to move forward as part of their 2019-2022 strategic plan and to enhance existing hamlets.

They’ve recently completed the new manufactured home subdivision bringing in 30 parcels on Quarry Road in the east side of Nordegg.

Clearwater County Communications Coordinator Michael McLean says it has been “perceived very well” and that two lot sales have already been finalized.

He commented that the new white picket style fencing around the area will be completed soon and that the paving of Limestone Way, Shale Court and Quarry Road will be completed at a future date.

The County’s other recent infrastructure upgrades to the Historic Core are intended to make it development ready for new homes and businesses.

“The County has taken steps to preserve the original town plan while engineering and constructing roads to meet modern infrastructure standards, McLean noted. “The radial grid was inspired by the garden city design principles that emerged near the end of the 19th century in European cities.”

With the construction of the road alignment for the Historic Core in Nordegg, the County found that the building Shanks Garage would be an issue.

Shankes Garage in Nordegg will be removed and salvaged. (Picture from Clearwater County Website.)

“Existing elevation limits the usability of the lot as well as the adjacent lots,” McLean notes.

The building which is owned by the County will be removed and crews will salvage as many materials as they can, similar to the Bighorn Store that was removed and salvaged earlier in the year for use in the mine site.

The County has said that the updated plan will be introduced in the coming months and that they welcome public input for the future.