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two options on the table

Centennial Campground open house well attended

Sep 17, 2020 | 2:12 PM

An open house Wednesday night at the Lou Soppit Community Centre regarding the future of the Centennial Campground in Rocky Mountain House was well attended.

The session was a follow up to an initial four-day design charrette in September 2019 which identified possible future opportunities for the campground.

Councillor Len Phillips noted that out of those ideas that were initially brought up, they chose the best two to focus on and present to residents at the open house.

“Nothing here is set in stone,” Phillips mentioned in regards to what was being presented.

One of the options is for development, with plans to add detached single dwellings as starter homes, senior housing, and apartment housing.

The other is to keep it as a campground, which some in the community felt strongly in favour of.

Individuals had been circulating information on social media stating that the park was donated to the town on the stipulations that it remain a campground. However, Councillor Phillips and Councillor Michelle Narang noted that town administration dug through everything they had on the campground and could not find any documentation to support that notion.

Wednesday’s open house adhered to AHS guidelines that allowed only a maximum of 50 people in at a time, which was the case starting shortly after 6 p.m.

Mayor Tammy Burke, councillors and developers were in attendance to answer any questions that individuals from both the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County.

“We’re really here right now to mostly listen to what people have to say,” Phillips commented.

He mentioned that after they would go through everyone’s comments from the event and the many emails they’ve received, and that they “plan to do what’s best for the town.”