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(Town of Whitecourt)
Staying Safe

Town of Whitecourt issues COVID-19 update

Aug 7, 2020 | 2:36 PM

Officials with The Town of Whitecourt say they’re continuing to monitor the COVID-19 health emergency across Alberta, and have adjusted operations accordingly through a phased in re-opening approach.

The office has been open to the public over the last several weeks by appointment; however, as of Aug. 10, the Whitecourt Town Office will open to the public on a drop-in basis.

Although the Town Office is open, public members are encouraged to utilize online and telephone service options for bill payments, permits and general inquiries. As the property tax deadline of Aug. 31 approaches, property owners are reminded that payments can be made:

  • Using online banking or at your financial institution.
  • Using Virtual City Hall available at www.whitecourt.ca which provides 24-hour access and the ability to pay online anywhere, anytime.
  • By cheque using the drop box at the front entrance of the Town Office from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or by mail postmarked as of Aug. 31.
  • In person at the Town Office – Due to COVID-19, you may experience longer wait times than usual if paying in person.

For community members that choose to access the facility, the following health measures will be implemented:

  • All those entering the building will be asked to pre-screen themselves for symptoms, and are asked to stay home if feeling unwell, are a close contact of someone with COVID-19, or have recently travelled internation­ally in the last 14 days (Albertans are legally required to isolate for 14 days if they returned to or entered Alberta from outside Canada or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19). Hand sanitizer will be provided upon entering the facility, and directional signs and markers will be in place that public members are asked to follow. All services and appointments will take place at a front desk, and public members are asked to follow social distancing protocols.
  • Occupancy into the building will be limited; public members are advised that wait times may be longer than normal for in-person services. Should you require an appointment with a specific staff member, you are encouraged to book an appointment as those with appointments will receive first priority.
  • The Office will be open normal hours of operation: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

As many community members are preparing to register for organized sports and extracurricular programs starting this fall, the Town of Whitecourt encourages you to reference the Government of Alberta’s guidance document for sport, physical activity and recreation. The document was recently updated and includes the following highlights:

  • Teams in different mini-leagues should not play each other.
  • Athletes should not belong to multiple sports mini-leagues.
  • Athletes should select one sports cohort for the duration of Stage 2.

For a copy of the guidance document visit: www.alberta.ca/assets/documents/covid-19-relaunch-sports-physical-activity-and-recreation.pdf

COVID-19 information and updates are publicly available on the Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services web­sites:



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