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STIP Program

Brazeau County gets provincial funding for wastewater treatment

Jul 22, 2020 | 10:01 AM

As part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan the Drayton Valley-Devon region was awarded funding for several Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP) projects to create jobs and support core infrastructure in the community.

The provincial government has announced approximately $50 million in additional STIP funding across the province to support approximately 70 new projects and over 475 jobs, boosting economic recovery and getting Albertans back to work.

In Brazeau County, officials say 13 jobs will be created as a result of a $2,556,000 provincial grant for wastewater treatment upgrades.

Leduc County received $289,000 to do bridge repairs. Parkland County was given over $1.3 million for bridge replacements.

“These vital projects create jobs for hard-working people. Thanks to Alberta’s Recovery Plan, core municipal infrastructure projects are being recognized,” says Mark Smith, MLA for Drayton Valley-Devon.

The province has invested about $150 million to support 55 water and wastewater improvement projects creating approximately 1,300 jobs, boosting economic recovery and getting Albertans back to work.

(With file from media release)

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