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Fraser Institute releases annual Alberta school rankings

Jun 30, 2020 | 10:24 AM

The Fraser Institute has released its annual rankings of elementary and secondary schools in Alberta.

The list is designed to give parents the chance to compare the academic performance of schools across the province and their local area.

The latest list is based off of data from the 2017-2018 school year.


Master’s Academy & College in Calgary was listed as the top-ranked elementary school in the province, tied with Windsor Park in Edmonton and Renert School in Calgary. All three schools were listed with academic ratings of 10 out of 10.

Poplar Ridge Elementary ranked 91st with a score of 8.0 and is the lone Red Deer area school to crack the top 100.


There was also a three-way tie atop this list with Old Scona Academic School in Edmonton, Webber Academy in Calgary and Calgary French & International School earning perfect 10 ratings.

Hunting Hills is the top-ranked Red Deer school at 101st (6.4 rating). Notre Dame is ranked 134th and Lindsay Thurber 174th.

Innisfail High School and H.J. Cody High School in Sylvan Lake are tied for 51st with ratings of 7.2.

Parkview Adventist Academy in Lacombe is ranked 56th (7.1) and Central Alberta Christian High School 64th (6.9). Lacombe Composite High School is ranked 114th (6.2).

The full rankings for both categories can be found at compareschoolrankings.org.