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Calgary outlaws conversion therapy

May 26, 2020 | 6:37 AM

CALGARY- City councillors have voted to join other municipalities in the province by prohibiting businesses that claim they can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

A bylaw passed Monday bans businesses that offer conversion therapy and includes a $10,000 fine for any person found to be advertising or offering conversion therapy services within the city.

Edmonton, St. Albert, Strathcona County, Wood Buffalo, Rocky Mountain House, and Spruce Grove have also passed bylaws against the practice.

The city says the bylaw will operate on a complaint basis, and that every call will be investigated.

It says in a news release that the new regulations ensure the city continues to be “welcoming for all, committed to supporting equality and human rights.”

Mayor Naheed Nenshi took to Twitter after Monday’s vote and said that the city “has shown its striped” when it comes to “showing courage on human rights issues.”

(The Canadian Press)

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