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Canadian Nurses Association

National Nursing Week: May 11-17

May 11, 2020 | 6:40 AM

GRANDE PRAIRIE- Monday marks the start of National Nursing Week in Canada.

The annual celebration is held in the second week of May and is being celebrated across the country from May 11-17.

The week, which began in 1971, is intended to draw attention to nurses in our health care system, to recognize their hard work they do year-round.

“We try to make sure that we show all of our nurses appreciation and give back to the nurses. A lot of the locals give out gifts and items to the nurses and there is a committee in town where they give awards,” explained Kerrie Mealey, Local 37 President of the United Nurses of Alberta.

However, with COVID-19 fresh in everyone’s minds right now, nurses aren’t exactly asking for gifts or awards this year. While nurses aren’t saying no to gift offers from the public, most are asking people to continue to stay home and social distance.

Mealey says staying home is one of the best gifts you can give nurses to help prevent the spread of the virus.

“I think everyone is doing their best staying home and keeping your distance and I think that’s the best thing to do for nurses,” said Mealey.

With social distancing being practiced this year, the Canadian Nurses Association is asking the public to celebrate differently.

Those celebrating are encouraged to celebrate the week virtually on social media using the hashtags #CNA2020, #IND2020, #Nurses2020, #NationalNursingWeek, #SupportNursesandMidwives, #YearoftheNurseandMidwife and #YearoftheNurse.

You are also encouraged to write thank-you notes as a sign of appreciation or by putting posters in prominent places for all that nursing staffs do on a daily basis. The CNA says that these gestures are rare and the act of recognition can make a profound difference in employee morale.

“Whether they are registered nurses, nurse practitioners, registered psychiatric nurses or licensed practical nurses, these women and men are an indispensable part of Alberta’s health-care system. We celebrate their dedication,” says Health Minister Tyler Shandro. “To all who are doing their duty as nurses in our province at this extraordinary time – and at all times – thank you, on behalf of all Albertans, for your devoted and caring service.”

2020 is known as the year of the nurse, as it is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is known as founder of modern nursing.

(Everything GP)

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