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RDC to deliver only online courses for Fall 2020

May 8, 2020 | 1:46 PM

Red Deer College has decided to deliver its programs and courses online for Fall 2020 due to the uncertain and evolving COVID-19 situation,

By making this decision now Red Deer College instructors and staff can work proactively to best serve students, the college says in a release.

Officials say courses will be developed and designed for online learning, providing the same value and learning outcomes as students receive with traditional in-person classes.

“During this unique time, we are very dedicated to supporting our students in a variety of ways. Letting them know early about the online course delivery for the fall will be beneficial as they process and plan for the change,” says Dr. Peter Nunoda, RDC President.

“In the spirit of innovation, this situation provides us an opportunity to view teaching and learning differently. I’m proud of our faculty and staff who have risen to this challenge during the past couple of months in the face of COVID-19, and I am confident they will continue to do so into the fall semester.”

To fully prepare for fall, RDC’s School leaders and faculty are currently planning to identify appropriate learning opportunities to accommodate a variety of situations such as: classes with labs, practical and clinical experiences, and industry-related training in areas such as the School of Trades and Technologies.

Students will begin to register for Fall 2020 courses starting on June 9.

Several other areas of the College’s operations will continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months, regardless of restrictions easing in accordance with the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services directives.

Planning for summer and fall operations is actively occurring to determine items such as services for students, Residence accommodations, facility usage, Athletics programming, and more.

“The health and well-being of RDC’s students, faculty and staff will remain at the heart of all decision-making. Red Deer College will continue to keep its students, employees and surrounding communities informed as decisions are made during the next several weeks and months,” the release read.

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