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Lacombe County issues fire advisory

Apr 29, 2020 | 10:01 AM

Effective today (April 29) there is a Fire Advisory in Lacombe County.

Officials say the advisory will be in effect until all areas in Lacombe County receive substantial changes to the current dry conditions.

Current Burn Permits continue to be valid and new Burn Permits may be restricted and will be approved on a case by case basis.

“The Fire Advisory doesn’t restrict burning in the County, but it is there to alert ratepayers of the current risk conditions and could indicate a full Fire Ban in the near future,” notes Lacombe County Fire Chief Drayton Bussiere. “Please make sure you are burning safely and responsibly.”

Under a Fire Advisory, existing fire permits remain valid (subject to suspension or cancellation). New fire permits will be issued on a case-by-case basis and may be restricted or require additional conditions.

Burns already completed should be checked, and extra care should be used to ensure burns are completely extinguished.

What is allowed?

• Safe residential fire pits and safe campfires in campgrounds are allowed. (non-combustible unit 36 inches in diameter or less)

• Gas or propane stoves / barbecues and portable propane fire pits are allowed when used according to manufacturer’s specifications.

• Charcoal briquette and solid fuel barbecues are allowed when used according to manufacturer’s specifications.

• Chimneys (with screen covers that are located on a non-combustible surface) are allowed.

• Internal household fireplaces are allowed.

• Wood pellet smokers are allowed.

• Incinerators (for farm and acreage use) are allowed.

• Burning barrels (steel/metal drum no larger than 45 gallons, with screen covers that are located on a non-combustible surface) are allowed.

A fire restriction is also currently in place for the County of Stettler.

A full list is posted at albertafirebans.ca.