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april 25 provincial update

Alberta ministers promote help for domestic violence victims as COVID-19 rages on

Apr 25, 2020 | 4:11 PM

Author’s note: If you are in need of emergency assistance related to domestic or family violence, there are contact numbers listed at the bottom of this article.

Four provincial ministers issued a joint statement on Saturday addressing continued support for those experiencing domestic and family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The statement — from MLAs Leela Aheer, Rajan Sawhney, Rebecca Schulz and Josephine Pon — comes after health officials reported another 216 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the provincial total to 4,233.

The death toll has risen by one in the past day to 73, and there are 74 new recoveries for a total of 1,471. Of Alberta’s total number of COVID-19 cases, there are currently 77 people in hospital, and 20 in ICUs. Cases at continuing care facilities now number 415, and 48 residents have died.

More than 121,000 Albertans have now been tested for COVID-19, including 4,718 in the last day.

Red Deer is level at three active cases and 31 recoveries after seeing two new cases yesterday.

“Every Albertan – regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation – deserves to feel safe,” says Aheer, the Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women. “While we are encouraging those who can to stay home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we recognize that home may not be the safest place for everyone. We hear you and we want you to know you are supported and resources are available to help you stay safe.”

Schulz, the Minister of Children’s Services, says Albertans need to know there is help available, regardless of the public health restrictions in place.

“If you, or children you know are being neglected, abused or sexually exploited, call the Child Abuse Hotline,” she says. “Assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in multiple languages. We need to look out for one another, now more than ever.”

Pon, Minister of Seniors and Housing, also notes a heightened concern for an increase of elder abuse.

“We define elder abuse as any action or inaction to self or others that jeopardizes the health or well-being of any older adult. Forms of elder abuse include financial, emotional, physical, sexual, medication and neglect,” Pon says. “We know that rates of abuse of all types, including elder abuse, increase significantly during crises and disasters. If you suspect someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, please take action.”

“Please know that if you or a loved one is experiencing family violence, supports and safe spaces are available. You are not alone,” added Sawhney, the Minister of Community and Social Services. “If you are dealing with abuse or know someone who is, I encourage you to reach out for help. We need to support one another to keep our communities safe.”

Those experiencing domestic and family violence should always call 911 in an emergency, but other resources include:

  • Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence
    • 1-866-402-8000 (toll-free, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 170-plus languages)
    • Online chat: aasas.ca
    • Online chat, text, phone: casasc.ca
  • Family Violence Info Line
    • 310-1818 (24-7, 170-plus languages)
    • Online chat: alberta.ca/SafetyChat (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in English only)
  • Alberta Provincial Abuse Helpline
    • 1-855-4HELPAB (43-5722) (toll-free, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday, 170-plus languages)
  • Child Abuse Hotline
    • 1-800-387-KIDS (5437) (toll-free, 24-7)
  • Mental Health Helpline
    • 1-877-303-2642 (toll-free, 24-7)
  • Elder Abuse
  • 211 Alberta
    • Call or text 211 for further community and government supports throughout the province in multiple languages..

More information and data is at alberta.ca/covid19 and covid19stats.alberta.ca.

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