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not superhuman, but selfless

Red Deer mom say drive-bys and parades show human side of RCMP

Apr 23, 2020 | 4:27 PM

A Red Deer family with close ties to the RCMP is thanking local members for spreading some joy on their young one’s birthday.

They say the moment was extra poignant given both the strain on the community from COVID-19, and the devastating events that transpired in Nova Scotia last weekend.

Gretchen VandenBrink, whose grandparents and an uncle all work or have worked in law enforcement, turned eight this week.

She was given quite the surprise — a 14 car salute from Red Deer RCMP.


“One of the members that came back to talk to us said it just worked out that there was a down time, so they were able to rally the gang. My family is all in Nova Scotia and is heartbroken by the tragedy that has unfolded,” says her mother, Krista VandenBrink.

“The RCMP is part of Gretchen’s DNA, so when the cars came through, we both got teary knowing the sacrifices our Mounties make every day they go to work, but also because the RCMP support our communities this way. They are so much more than police officers, they are part of the fabric that holds our communities together.”

VandenBrink adds that this is just one example of why the RCMP deserve more appreciation, rather than condemnation, right now.

“These men and women go to work every day with a selfless attitude in order to protect and serve their communities and their countries. They aren’t superhuman, they often times see the worst of society and yet they go to work every day to keep us safe,” she says.

“They put themselves in harm’s way so we don’t have to, and the other day they used a rare and cherished three minutes of down time to show community leadership and make our daughter’s birthday special. Our neighbours also came out on to their doorsteps and applauded them as they drove by.”

Red Deer RCMP and Red Deer Emergency Services have both noted that while they enjoy fulfilling these types of requests, their availability entirely depends on events of a particular day and what resources are available.