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helping seniors and mobility-challenged

Sylvan Lake Fire Department partners with Sobey’s for in-town deliveries

Apr 13, 2020 | 11:24 AM

The Sylvan Lake Fire Department is teaming up with Sylvan Lake Sobeys to offer grocery delivery service for seniors and individuals with special mobility needs during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Our team at Sylvan Lake Sobeys is thrilled to partner up with the Sylvan Lake Fire Department to offer delivery service to those most vulnerable during this pandemic,” says Brad and Andrea Bromley, Owners/Operators at Sylvan Lake Sobeys. “We would like to thank their entire team for their collaboration to help serve our amazing community! Stay Safe!”

“Our Fire Department is made up, mainly, of volunteers, and here they are further volunteering to support our most vulnerable during the pandemic,” Fire Chief Cliff Brausen says in a release. “In addition, the passion and support Brad, Andrea, and the team at the Sylvan Lake Sobeys has shown for an initiative like this, well, it makes you realize just how strong the community spirit is here.”

The delivery service is reserved for local town of Sylvan Lake seniors and individuals with special mobility challenges, officials note.

Deliveries can be arranged by calling the Sylvan Lake Sobey’s at 403-887-3982, or by sending an email (sby5124sylvanlake@sobeys.com). When placing your order, mark your order as “Fire Department Delivery.”

Pre-payment to Sobeys is required prior to delivery as the Sylvan Lake Fire Department will not take payments.

Deliveries are available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Place your order by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, for a Wednesday 11:00 a.m. delivery window. Place your order by 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, for a Wednesday 3:00 p.m. delivery window.

For Friday delivery orders place your order by 6:00 p.m. Thursday, for a Friday 11:00 a.m. delivery window, and place your order by 11:00 a.m. Friday, for a Friday 3:00 p.m. delivery window

To ensure the health and safety of all involved, members of the Fire Department will not enter a dwelling, or building. Deliveries are left on the front step, and a member will ring the doorbell.

If delivering to an apartment building, or multi-unit dwelling, members will buzz the unit, and leave the delivery in the foyer.