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public health precaution

Red Deer City Hall temporarily closing to public

Mar 24, 2020 | 2:35 PM

Red Deer City Hall will temporarily close to the public at the end of day today to protect staff and citizens and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Effective 4:30 p.m. today, March 24, City Hall will be closed to the public until further notice, but residents and businesses can continue to do business with the City by email or phone.

“For the safety of staff and citizens, we have made the difficult decision to close public access to City Hall for the time being,” said Emergency Operations Centre Director Karen Mann. “City staff will have continued access to the building as needed but have been encouraged to work from home wherever possible.”

MyCity continues to provide residents and business owners access to information about their City accounts, including business licenses, permit applications, utilities and taxes. The online tool is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at www.reddeer.ca/mycity.

Customer service at Sorensen Station will remain open for people to purchase Red Deer Transit passes and additional safety measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of staff and customers.

The City’s call centre will continue to operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 403-342-8111 and residents are encouraged to phone with non-emergency inquiries about City policies and operations.

The City reminds residents that customers can defer water, sewer and waste utility payments for 90 days with no penalties, if they are struggling to pay their bills. Customers wishing to defer their bills do not need to call The City. Deferral will happen automatically if their bill is not paid, and the full balance will be due at the end of the 90-day deferral (June 15). The City encourages customers who are able to pay their bills to continue doing so.

(The City of Red Deer)

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