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Wipes such as this can cause havoc for wastewater systems (rdnewsNOW file photo)
Don't do it!

Disinfecting wipes are helpful, but not flushable

Mar 23, 2020 | 11:21 AM

Disinfecting wipes are helping us clean up our surfaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, but you might be messing up your sewer system if you flush them down the toilet.

Town of Rocky Mountain House officials are asking people not to dispose of these wipes in the toilet bowl. The reason – toilet paper dissolves in our sewer systems while disinfecting wipes and paper towels do not.

“Earlier this week our crew spent two hours detangling a clod of wipes and a towel from one of our pumps,” said Laura Button, Communications Coordinator for the Town of Rocky Mountain House. “Wipes of any kind should never be flushed, no matter what the package says.”

Personal, baby or cleaning wipes are all examples of products that should never be flushed down your toilet. Same goes for other products such as adult diapers, sanitary pads, bandages or wrappings. Residents are asked to please dispose of these items in the garbage.