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"Camping is a luxury"

Nixon responds to NDP’s helicopter joyride accusations

Mar 6, 2020 | 3:41 PM

NDP Environment Critic Marlin Schmidt shot down the UCP’s recent move to save cost by restructuring Alberta Parks in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday by stating “The UCP believes that camping is a luxury that we just cannot afford.”

He said that Minister of Environment and Parks Jason Nixon, according to a freedom of information request, spent $7,200 on a helicopter joyride on Victoria Day long weekend in 2019.

In a release, Schmidt said that he believes “Nixon must repay this lavish expense.”

Jess Sinclair, Nixon’s Press Secretary, says the trip was undertaken for business purposes and that “the flight over the long weekend would have taken place with or without the Minister present.”

“The Minister is proud to be taking an active role in working with AEP officials, other departments and volunteers,” Sinclair added.

When asked where Nixon stood on whether anyone in political power should be held accountable to pay back taxpayer dollars spent on personal use, Sinclair stated that “policymakers who spend taxpayer dollars on personal expenses should repay that money. Better yet, they should never engage in the practice in the first place.”

In response to the NDP’s accusations that the UCP is proposing to sell up to 60 government-owned parks, Sinclair countered that they are working towards partnerships with organizations, including municipalities, First Nations, and non-profit organizations, as well as contractors to help with underutilized parks in a taxpayer-friendly way.

She reassured that any parks that are partnered or closed will always be accessible to Albertans as crown land, regardless of which partnerships are sought or how a location is designated.