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(rdnewsNOW/Dan Hermanutz)

Toonies for Tummies supports breakfast program at North Cottage High School

Feb 7, 2020 | 2:27 PM

One in five kids in our community go hungry, and in some areas that number is higher. Students just don’t learn the same on an empty stomach.

Toonies for Tummies is a nationwide program put on by The Grocery Foundation, where local grocers team up with local programs to make sure no child goes hungry.

Save on Foods in Red Deer has partnered with North Cottage High School and their breakfast program.

“A good breakfast for kids gives them the energy they need to keep focused and have a good day at school,” said Bryan Burley, one of the program organizers. “Quite a few of them don’t have that access at home, so when they get to the school and have an egg mcmuffin or some toast and milk or orange juice, if need be, it helps them out with the day.”

Jeanette Countryman-Smith is the “go to” for the program. She is credited with buying the food for the kids, as well as organizing the breakfasts every morning.

“It provides the kids with any breakfast item that keeps them going every morning; a majority of our shopping comes out of Save on Foods so they are a great partner for us. We average 17 students a day, we’re small. We’ve been involved with it for three years. There was no program before,” said Countryman-Smith.

The school and Save on Foods have been partners for three years. Store Manager Ernie Cordonier says that it’s a vital program for the community.

“It helps out at the right time. Folks that don’t normally have the opportunity to have a meal before they go to work or school, they are getting healthy products so their brain functions better, they’re much more stable throughout the day.”

Cordonier added that any money made in the community of Red Deer will stay here and go directly to the breakfast programs. Last year, Toonies for Tummies raised over $4,000 in Red Deer for North Cottage High School.

“We live in our communities and we believe in our communities, and this is a way we can give back to our communities.”

Any donations made on February 19th will be matched in full by Save on Foods, up to $20,000.

For more information about Toonies for Tummies visit groceryfoundation.com/pages/toonies-for-tummies.