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Red Deer University to keep Kings and Queens team names

Feb 6, 2020 | 3:23 PM

The people have spoken, and it appears RDC has heard them loud and clear.

After announcing on Jan. 8 that they were seeking a new name for their sports teams once they become Red Deer University, the college now says it will be keeping the names “Kings” and “Queens” moving forward.

College officials said at the time that the transition to being a university made it the right time to create a new identity under a name that was gender neutral.

RDC President Dr. Peter Nunoda apologized Thursday for the uproar caused by last month’s announcement.

“On behalf of my team at Red Deer College, I want to tell you that we are sorry,” Nunoda said in a letter to supporters. “I recognize now that we should have reached out to our community for input sooner, before deciding that we would change the names.”

The college heard from over 1,000 people regarding the name change, making them aware, Nunoda says, of the deep connection the community has with the Kings and Queens names.

Nunoda lamented the fact that some of the criticism they received regarding the name change idea went too far.

“Some people chose to demonstrate hate and intolerance,” he said. “As a post-secondary institution, we value discussion and debate, and part of our responsibility as leaders is to encourage people inside and outside of our walls to learn, grow and consider ways they can change and evolve. However, it is also our responsibility to do this in a way that helps and does not harm people.”

Nunoda says they now acknowledge that people were hurt on many levels by the possible name change, and that they will be taking a long look at what inclusiveness and equity looks like at RDC.

“We hope that as we continue to grow and change into Red Deer University, you will remain a part of this conversation. We can’t do any of this work without you,” he said.

In light of the decision, consultations planned for next Tuesday, February 11 regarding the name change have been cancelled.

The Red Deer College Kings and Queens teams were established in 1964. Since then, RDC Athletic teams and individual student-athletes have won 25 National Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) titles, 171 Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) team and individual titles. This year, the College has more than 180 student-athletes competing in seven sports on 15 teams.

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