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Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Public Engagement

Province seeking Albertans’ input on agriculture research

Jan 8, 2020 | 3:36 PM

The provincial government is holding engagement sessions and launching an online survey to gather feedback about the future of agriculture research in Alberta.

Government officials say the aim is to ensure agricultural research in Alberta is led by farmers, and that Albertans are getting the best results for their investment.

“We are working with farmers to determine their research priorities,” explains Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, in a release. “This is an opportunity to transform how we do research and attract investment from the private sector. I see world-leading agricultural research happening here, either by leveraging work happening in existing facilities or building brand new ones.”

Officials say there are six upcoming public engagement sessions scheduled throughout the province.

They will take place in Lethbridge Jan. 13, Grande Prairie Jan. 17, Vermilion Jan. 21, Camrose Jan. 21, Olds Jan. 23, and Calgary on Jan. 24.

The Government will be seeking input on what farmer-led research means to Albertans, farmer-led research priorities, and governance models for delivering farmer-led research.

According to government officials, public engagement will also entail meetings with key stakeholders, including marketing board and commission representatives, applied research associations and post-secondary institutions.

Albertans can offer their feedback by completing the online survey by Jan. 31.