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(City of Red Deer)
Neighbourly Spirit

Be a snow buddy in your neighbourhood

Jan 8, 2020 | 2:50 PM

Red Deer is a community where people help each other year round. This winter, The City wants to encourage that neighbourly spirit with a Snow Buddy Contest.

Being a Snow Buddy means helping those around you with snow removal or helping them to understand the residential snow clearing program.

“We truly are better together, so we are encouraging Red Deerians to watch for neighhours that have maybe gone on vacation, are recently injured, have a new baby, or just need a helping hand, and shovel walks for them,” said Greg Sikora, Public Works Manager. “You can also remind people to sign up for Notify Red Deer, the system that alerts you when the plows are in your Snow Zone, or if plowing is happening in your area and you see someone who has left their car parked on the street, remind them to move it.”

The City wants to know – have you been a Snow Buddy? Has someone else helped you get through winter? From now until February 28, residents can go to www.reddeer.ca/snowcontest and submit a Snow Buddy story for the chance to win one of two $150 Visa gift cards. The story can be nominating someone who was a Snow Buddy to you, a family member you witnessed being a Snow Buddy, or your own personal Snow Buddy story.