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Bushfires in Australia. (Credit: Matthew Abbott / The New York Times)
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Canada won’t be sending civilian “volunteer firefighters” to Australia

Jan 6, 2020 | 4:51 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Australia is currently dealing with one of its worst wildfire seasons ever, but the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) says there are better ways that civilians can help out than to hit the front lines themselves.

The BBC is reporting that more than 6.3-million hectares of bush, forest, and parks have been burned so far and at least 24 people have been killed.

In the state of New South Wales, over 1,300 homes have been destroyed.

The CIFFC has received many inquiries from Canadians wanting to help in fire suppression efforts and has advised that “there is not currently a role for Canadian volunteers to assist in bushfire suppression.”

The people being sent down under from Canada are specialists who are chosen by member agencies based on their specific expertise and abilities.

Although some jurisdictions in Australia use volunteer firefighters, the CIFFC reports that they are familiar with and trained to specific standards regarding firefighting in the Australian climate.

“These volunteers understand the working conditions, equipment, and tactics used throughout the country.”

Both the CIFFC and Australian authorities are at “maximum capacity” at this time, so they are asking that Canadians, both at home and abroad, not contact them directly about how they can help.

For any civilians wishing to do their part, the CIFFC is asking Canadians to instead donate to verified fundraising efforts.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service has created dedicated bank accounts to collect donations for the families of the volunteer firefighters who were killed while working to suppress the fires. You can access them below.

Firefighter Samuel McPaul

Firefighters Geoffrey Keaton and Andrew O’Dwyer

Organizations such as the Australian Red Cross have also created fundraisers to aid in fire suppression and relief efforts.