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bad fish

Invasive goldfish to be removed from Anders pond

Aug 28, 2019 | 7:54 PM

City of Red Deer officials say that an invasive goldfish population has been identified in the Anders storm pond, and will be removed in the coming weeks.

“Invasive non-native fish species pose a threat to the natural aquatic ecosystems and native species in the Red Deer River,” the city says in a release. “The goldfish population will be removed in order to protect our native aquatic species and ecosystems, and to ensure the goldfish do not enter the storm system or the Red Deer River.”

The Fisheries Act specifies that actions must be taken to remove non-native fish species, including goldfish, from natural and artificial waterbodies due to potential risks to native species and their habitat. These risks include competition with native species for habitat and resources, increased turbidity caused by goldfish stirs up sediments and nutrients, leading to increased algae and plants, introduced diseases/parasites, and reduction in biodiversity.

“Removing invasive species will help to ensure that we maintain the aquatic health of our storm water system and local waterways” said Tim Ainscough, Environmental Services Manager. “The Anders pond connects directly to our storm water system and to the Red Deer River. Anything that is dumped in local storm ponds or storm drains will flow directly into our storm water system and into the Red Deer River.”

The goldfish removal process is expected to take approximately six weeks and is scheduled for September 9 to October 21.

The City will use a treatment called Rotenone to remove the goldfish. Officials say this task includes closing and fencing off the Anders pond and surrounding area for the protection of residents, pets, and wildlife, applying/spraying the Rotenone solution to the pond and surrounding area, collecting and removing the fish carcasses from the pond, and ensuring all safe handling procedures are adhered to, according to federal and provincial regulations.

The pond will be fenced off for the duration of the process, but local trails will remain open. For your safety, please follow posted rules and ensure children and pets are kept outside of all fenced areas for the duration of the project.

Goldfish should never be dumped into local water bodies, into storm drains or flushed down a toilet. Consider re-homing your fish if you cannot take care of them, and if your pet first passes away, bury the carcass instead of flushing or dumping it, to avoid the spread of harmful bacteria.