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A rendering of the inclusive playground planned for the Town of Blackfalds this fall.
All Kids Included

Work continues toward inclusive playground in Blackfalds

Jul 25, 2019 | 11:45 AM

Fundraising efforts continue in helping to build the first-ever, fully ‘inclusive playground’ in Blackfalds.

Mayor Richard Poole says the playground is planned for the corner of Westbrooke Road and Vista Trail.

“Right now we have an estimated cost of $457,000,” says Poole. “Blackfalds has committed $125,000 to that and we received funding from some of our neighbours, including Lacombe County who has just provided us with $50,000 which is a great step. And we’re looking at CFEP funding (Community Facility Enhancement Program), which will be approximately $125,000.”

In addition, Poole says the Optimist Club of Blackfalds which is a partner in the project, is holding a fundraising event on Aug. 10 to help make up the remainder of the funds needed to get construction going.

“We’re right now short between $30,000 – $40,000,” says Poole. “But again, we have people working hard at it and we’re confident that the fundraising will be there and we’ll be able to move forward as soon as the CFEP funding comes in. We are hoping for the end of August and if all goes well, construction would start in September and be completed by the end of October.”

Poole admits the Town recognized the need last year for a safe and fun place to play for all kids in the community.

“We realized that ‘accessible playgrounds’ are not the same as ‘inclusive playgrounds’,” he explains. “Through the Recreation Board and a number of individuals, we contacted the Variety Children’s Network of Alberta and we’ve been working with them to develop a playground concept. There’s a lot of features in an ‘accessible playground’, such as a quite space for persons who the noise really bothers and there’s a number of different things within it that are utilized for people with a whole range of needs.”

Poole says Blackfalds’ new inclusive playground will include a dual zipline, two-base swing set, spinning climber and a quiet area with seating.

“The impact will be on our community and the surrounding area because once it’s well-known, then people from all over central Alberta will want to come to Blackfalds and utilize this,” he anticipates. “There are children within our community that will utilize it and we probably don’t know exactly how many but this will allow everybody to have the opportunity to use it.”

Poole concludes, “We believe that every community should have inclusive playgrounds that allow children to play with their friends and experience the fun that every child should be able to have at a neighbourhood playground.”