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Funding approved

Great news for CRFRS farm rescue program

Jul 14, 2019 | 11:54 AM

The Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Service has been training for grain bin and silo farm rescues, but needed additional funding for more equipment.

“Previous incidents have really spurred this on, so our members have really been pushing for a grain bin rescue program,” explained Shawn St. Peter, Deputy Fire Chief for Clearwater County.

The fire service successfully applied for a grant for $23,000 from Farm Credit Canada for farm rescue equipment.

“One of the steps was to take the training and identify the tools and equipment you need for what was required to perform this, and applied to Farm Credit Canada with the ask to put this program together,” describes St. Peter.

“Last year we had a trailer come in and put it up on Market on Main and we did some demonstrations and had some people come in and train us on how to do farm rescue training in grain bins.”

Three members of the Fire Rescue Team are currently instructors and the training will be become a standard across the CRFRS, and all members will have training in farm rescue.

A date is currently being worked on for a cheque presentation.

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