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Changes coming to busy Sylvan Lake intersection

Jul 2, 2019 | 3:09 PM

The Town of Sylvan Lake is spending nearly $2 million on improvements to the busy intersection of Highway 20 and Erickson Drive.

The intersection is currently controlled by a stop sign located on the west leg heading east and on the east leg heading west before Highway 20. The north/south traffic along Highway 20 is free flow traffic through the intersection. There are currently no designated lanes for vehicles which want to make a left or right turn from Highway 20 onto Erickson Drive. There are signs posted along Highway 20 which direct traffic not to pass any vehicles on the right that are making left turns onto Erickson Drive.

Town staff noted that vehicles traveling along Highway 20 continue to ignore the posted signage stating that they are not to pass vehicles on the right at the intersection. It was also noted that vehicles exiting from Erickson Drive have considerable difficulties merging onto Highway 20.

Last year, the Town hired an engineering firm to take a look at the intersection to determine whether traffic lights or a roundabout would be best suited to improve the intersection.

McElhanney Engineering conducted a traffic study and consulted with Alberta Transportation and the Town of Sylvan Lake before deciding that a single lane roundabout treatment, with the ability to be expanded into a two lane roundabout, would be the best way to go.

The contract for the project has been awarded for $1.9 million to Pidherney’s, who stated they can complete the job within 90 work days. The Town is reallocating $1.14 million from reserves for the contract.

Total cost to the Town of Sylvan Lake for the project when engineering fees, Fortis costs and contingencies are accounted for is $2.4 million.