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making the grade

Chinook’s Edge Superintendent Sacher earns top marks from board review

Jun 28, 2019 | 10:17 AM

The Chinook’s Edge Board of Education says its recent internal evaluation of Superintendent Kurt Sacher came back with highly positive results.

“Kurt has worked hard over the last nine years to make this division well respected throughout the province, and he is a highly regarded superintendent,” said Colleen Butler, Board Chair.

“Kurt’s greatest strength is his ability to form strong relationships, and this has resulted in a network of staff structures that are a model for other jurisdictions. The Teachers Matter, Support Staff Matter and Students Matter committees, for instance, have created a strong Chinook’s Edge community of respect, collaboration and openness. He sets people up for success and challenges them to excel. The Board is proud of Kurt and know that he is an exceptional superintendent. We are pleased to continue our association with Kurt through his further five year contract with our division.”

Several innovative approaches have taken hold in Chinook’s Edge under Kurt Sacher’s direction over the past nine years. The division’s Resource Allocation Working Group, for instance, completely revamped the methodology of allocating the division’s resources to its 43 schools in a collaborative and transparent manner that involves school administration teams. He struck a Superintendent’s Advisory Team when he first arrived, and continues to meet with representatives from schools every month to allow for structured and meaningful dialogue. He has launched and guided the division’s Instructional Leadership model, which involves analytical discussions with administration teams in their schools each month and has been emulated to a degree in other school divisions.