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Splash Park

Rocky splash park finally seeing some headway

Jun 21, 2019 | 5:05 PM

Work toward Rocky Mountain House’s spray park project is finally going to making some headway with the installation of underground services proceeding this year.

“Everyone one of these park features has three zones, a child zone, a youth zone and a mix zone, or like a large kid zone,” says Director of Recreation and Community Services Roger Smolnicky. “All three zones do not turn on at once, you have to push the button and the zone will turn on to save water consumption.”

The motion was passed in a previous town hall meeting to move ahead with installing utilities, but a hold was put on the washroom and bathroom facilities until more information could be gathered.

Town council wants to have a full detail of the yearly costs associated with the building from heating, staffing and insurance before they fully commit to a plan of action.