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Calgary manslaughter trial hears five-year-old boy victim of weeks of abuse

Jun 20, 2019 | 1:03 PM

CALGARY — A Calgary manslaughter trial has heard a boy who came to Canada for a better life instead endured weeks of abuse at the hands of his grandfather.

Prosecutor Shane Parker delivered closing arguments in the trial of Allan Perdomo Lopez, who is accused of killing five-year-old Emilio Perdomo.

The trial previously heard Emilio arrived from Mexico in February of 2015 and died five months later from a traumatic brain injury.

Parker showed the court photos of the boy in Mexico and soon after his arrival in Canada, smiling and free of any visible injuries.

He contrasted those with photos taken from May 2015 until his autopsy two months later, revealing bruises and scars over the boy’s body in various stages of healing.

Parker suggested the grandfather was lying when he said the abuse happened in Mexico, or that the boy was clumsy and injured himself falling down stairs or off a bike.

“Emilio did not spontaneously become a klutz in mid-May,” Parker said Thursday, adding there’s also no evidence the boy had a bleeding disorder.

“What is left? Abuse,” he said.

The defence is not calling evidence in the trial.

Lawyer Darren Mahoney said he needs more time to figure out his response to the Crown’s closing brief. Queen’s Bench Justice Richard Neufeld gave him until next Thursday.

Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press