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Waste Management

Alternative landfill operations in Drayton Valley

Jun 14, 2019 | 2:19 PM

Efforts to extend the life of the Aspen Waste Management Facility in Drayton Valley have taken another step forward.

On June 12, council passed a motion directing Administration to pursue an agreement with Aerobic Landfill Technologies Ltd for the construction of an aerobic system in conjunction with the current operation of the Aspen Waste Management Facility.

According to Town officials, the agreement should also contain conditions the commitment is subject to the availability of grants or other funding opportunities and that VP Engineering will assist the Town with grant pursuits and a preliminary design concept.

Councillor Bill Ballas says the Town’s landfill is nearing its life expectancy and by implementing the proposed technology of an aeration system, it will speed up decomposition and eliminate leachate and methane, making the landfill more sustainable.

“Existing cells can be utilized and remaining materials can be mined or stably stored,” he explains. “This technology also has the potential for the Town to generate revenue from the different opportunities that it presents. This technology is very innovative and budget numbers will be presented for year 2020.”

At the end of 2018, the Town issued a Request for Information (RFI) on Alternative Landfill Technology seeking options to extend the life of the Aspen Waste Management Facility.

Six submissions were received and two companies were invited for a follow up interview. Aerobic Landfill Technologies Inc. (ALT) and BioMass Innovations Ltd. (BioMass) each presented their proposals to staff and Council.

Outside of the RFI process, a third company, Fogdog Energy Solutions Inc. (Fogdog), also presented their technology solution. Fogdog has formalized plans with the Town of Sylvan Lake to construct a No Landfill Disposal facility in that community and is currently waiting on approval from Alberta Environment and Parks to proceed.

Officials with the Town of Drayton Valley say the construction of one additional landfill cell is required however to manage the incoming waste while the aeration system is set up, adding the upfront capital investment needed and increased operating costs can be offset through the sale of carbon credits, grants and private investment.

According to Town officials, the Aerobic Landfill Technologies proposal includes a $5.3 million capital investment in the system, with an additional $1.1 million in capital for the construction of a new cell for use during the transition period.

According to Town staff, the annual operating cost of the system is estimated at $1 million on top of the current operating budget of $1 million. It’s noted however there could be savings on the operating costs with potential efficiencies of the operations.