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Rising Stars Rodeo Queen Competition at CFR 46

Jun 7, 2019 | 12:20 PM

The Canadian Finals Rodeo is proud to welcome the first-ever Rising Stars Rodeo Queen Competition in 2019.

The event goes hand-in-hand with the mission of the Rising Stars Junior Canadian Finals Rodeo event: providing the youth in rodeo an opportunity to showcase their talents, and compete in the same setting as their idols.

“The Rising Stars programing does not just look at what youth can do in the arena, but also works on their skills outside of the arena with workshops on managing their social media, public speaking, and interviewing skills,” said Christina Sturgeon, Agriculture Events Sales & Production Assistant Manager at Westerner Park, and creator of the Rising Stars Junior Canadian Finals Rodeo.

“The next logical step in our programing was to include the same opportunities for the youth that could potentially become the next Miss Rodeo Canada.”

Created with the help of Miss Rodeo Canada 2018, Brittney Chomistek, the competition will span over the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this year’s Canadian Finals Rodeo. Contestants will compete in a number of categories over the three day competition. From October 31-November 2, participants will be judged on horsemanship, public speaking, modelling and personal interviews taking place at Westerner Park.

“I love that the Canadian Finals Rodeo is recognizing Rodeo Queens as an integral part of rodeo. Just like the CFR Rising Stars Program, this year they will be providing royalty with an opportunity to compete at a national level,” added Brittney Chomistek, 2018 Miss Rodeo Canada. “These youth are the future of our sport, and 2019 will be an exciting year as we showcase our junior athletes and royalty giving them professional experience to one day compete in the pro league, or represent it as Miss Rodeo Canada.”

The lucky winner will not only take home the title of 2019 Rising Stars Rodeo Queen; she will also be down in the dirt after the Saturday afternoon performance, presenting winning buckles to the Rising Stars Junior Canadian Finals go-round winners.

Applications will be open to young women, ages 17 and under, from August 1-30, 2019.

Stay tuned to cfrreddeer.ca for more information on the first annual Rising Stars Rodeo Queen Competition and contestant application details.

(Westerner Park)