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(Government of Alberta)
Roadcheck program

Province steps up commercial vehicle inspections

Jun 4, 2019 | 4:51 PM

This week, provincial officials say officers from Alberta’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Branch will conduct hundreds of additional inspections at designated locations throughout the province to ensure commercial vehicle drivers operate safely on the roads.

Roadcheck is an annual, North America-wide operation conducted by agencies that belong to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Officers share information with commercial vehicle drivers, check vehicles and drivers for compliance with federal and provincial regulations, and collect inspection data for statistical analysis.

“The government’s first priority is public safety. Campaigns like Roadcheck help save lives by taking unsafe commercial vehicles and drivers off the road before they cause collisions or lead to other hazards that endanger the public,” says Doug Schweitzer, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General. “Ensuring commercial vehicles operate safely not only prevents collisions, it ensures people and goods move safely through Alberta and keeps our economy moving.”