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Theresa 'Corky' Larsen-Jonasson blesses a tipi at St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School. (Supplied)

Tipi blessed in act of reconciliation at Red Deer middle school

Jun 1, 2019 | 11:13 AM

Students and staff at St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School engaged in an Indigenous ceremony on Friday.

Local Elder Theresa ‘Corky’ Larsen-Jonasson was on hand to bless a new tipi located in the school’s courtyard.

Created by the Pê Sâkâstêw Healing Lodge, the tipi will be used as a space for talking circles and restorative practices, as well as a space where teachings can take place.

“It will provide students, staff, and parents an opportunity to experience a key piece of Indigenous culture in an authentic way,” says school Principal Ryan Sawula. “We are blessed to have a connection with local elders and knowledge keepers and are honoured to learn and journey together in community.”

Selena Frizzley, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Support Team Lead, notes that just having the tipi at the school is an act of reconciliation.

“It will be an important piece to receive tipi teachings from Indigenous elders and knowledge keepers,” she says. “This school will become a model for our division in weaving Indigenous teachings into daily practices.”