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(Town of Blackfalds)
new rink, library

Planning moves ahead for Blackfalds Multiplex expansion

May 30, 2019 | 2:12 PM

The Town of Blackfalds is moving closer to major expansion of its multiplex.

Council has approved the next step of the design process for the expansion project, which includes cost considerations and design elements.

The ambitious project is currently proposed to be carried out in two phases starting with the building of a second indoor arena in 2021 ($15 million) followed by a new library in 2024 ($4 million).

Sean Barnes, Director of Community Services says public response from an open house in April and a feedback form shared by the Town has been overwhelmingly positive.

“They just love the design we have with the (arena) seating, the layout with where the dressing rooms were, just the openness of the facility,” he shared. “Everyone in the community is excited about it.”

The biggest concern brought up by residents has been a potential lack of parking, which Barnes says they’ll look at during the next design phase.

“We’re excited to build a second indoor ice surface and provide more programming for the community. It’s going to be a win-win for everybody,” said Barnes.

Barnes expects two month will be needed to update the concept design and bring it back to council before another open house is held in September.