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lending a hand

Red Deer County sends crew to battle wildfires

May 23, 2019 | 11:52 AM

Local help is on the way to battle wildfires in northern Alberta.

Red Deer County Fire Services has sent four individuals to High Level to assist with the response to the wildfires in the region. The crew left Wednesday afternoon and arrived early Thursday morning.

The County will support with a tender-engine, which is a rated fire engine that carries 3000 gallons of water, and a crew of four personnel that includes one Innisfail firefighter. The team members are all structural and wild land firefighters as well as pump operators.

“We were requested by the Province to send resources to High Level to assist, through referral from our neighbours at Clearwater County who have also sent resources,” said Dave Brand, Community and Protective Services Director for Red Deer County. “We will gladly support this effort with available resources as long as required.”

Crews battling the 920 square kilometre Chuckegg Creek forest fire near High Level aren’t catching a break from the weather.

That has the town’s mayor asking residents to be patient because there is no date for anyone to return home yet.

Smoke from the fire now extends more than 500 kilometres north and is blanketing much of Yukon.

(Red Deer County, The Canadian Press)