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Chinook's Edge Supt. Kurt Sacher (left) with Jim Brittain (Submitted photo)
special recognition

Chinook’s Edge honours Long-time Innisfail education assistant

May 21, 2019 | 12:38 PM

Each year, the Chinook’s Edge School Division Board of Education can present the Roy E. Cope Award to any person who in the opinion of the Board has made a significant contribution to the educational welfare of students. This award is typically announced at the annual Staff Celebrations event in the fall.

The Board recently passed a motion to pay tribute to the recipient at Celebrations as is tradition, but also to announce the information at the Board Meeting at which the decision is made. Moving forward, this prestigious Board of Education recognition will be officially announced as part of the Board Meeting Highlights.

This year, the Board enthusiastically endorsed the recommendation that Jim Brittain, long-serving Educational Assistant (EA) at Innisfail High School, receive this year’s Roy E. Cope Award.

Many staff, students and families in all three Innisfail Campus schools have been touched by Jim’s skill and devotion over his many years of coaching, mentoring and working with students in Innisfail High, and his impact is felt well beyond the Innisfail community. He has led large recycling projects, has administered first aid training to many students and staff, and has garnered respect from everyone around him.

“If anyone in our schools is ever wondering about the kind of impact they are making, I would encourage them to take a lesson from EA Jim Brittain,” said Superintendent Kurt Sacher.

“Many times when I came into Innisfail High, I would see Jim working in the hallway with a student or helping coach the football team or arranging any number of activities for students. He told me everything he has ever done was for students. He’s incredibly well respected as an EA. We came together recently to celebrate his retirement, after 20 years, and today we are celebrating his award from our Board of Education for his significant contribution. We are all very proud of Jim Brittain and so grateful for all of his work over the years.”

(Chinook’s Edge School Division)