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kick it to the curb

More dates added for Red Deerians to get rid of unwanted items

May 19, 2019 | 10:40 AM

Kick it to the Curb is coming at Red Deerians fast and furious this summer.

The City of Red Deer is wrapping up the first such weekend right now, but there will be more opportunity to do so over the coming months.

The new Kick it to the Curb schedule includes the May long weekend, June 15-16, July 20-21, August 17-18, Sept. 21-22, and Oct. 19-20. It previously ran only twice a year.

“Residents love the Kick it to the Curb program, and the feedback we get most is that the event should happen more often,” said Lauren Maris, Environmental Program Specialist. “Since weather is always a factor, and summers are so busy, offering more dates allows for higher participation.”

Items that are always a hit include books, DVDs, furniture and tools. To see a list of what is prohibited, like child car seats, visit www.reddeer.ca/kickit.

Similar to past years, the Kerry Wood Nature Centre will be offering their Trash to Treasure Swap Meet for anyone who would rather not put small, unwanted items on their curb or whose home doesn’t have a curb. The Trash to Treasure Swap Meet will be held the same six weekends throughout the spring, summer and fall as Kick It to the Curb.