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Lacombe County Council approves 2019 budgets & tax rates

May 14, 2019 | 7:00 AM

LACOMBE- At its May 9 meeting, Council approved the Lacombe County 2019 operating and capital budgets and tax rate bylaw.

Municipal tax rates for 2019 will increase by 2.0% for residential properties, and by 3.5% for farmland and 4.5% for non-residential properties over 2018 rates.

“Lacombe County Council voted to approve a budget for 2019 that recognizes the challenges and uncertainty that Alberta has faced over the past few years,” said Reeve Paula Law. “Maintaining the services our ratepayers expect is crucial, but we have consciously focused on reduced spending and smarter spending, which will be the path we will continue down for the foreseeable future.”

Education taxes will represent 49% of the 2019 tax bill for residential property owners in Lacombe County and 42% of the 2019 tax bill for non-residential property owners.

Based on the new rates, 2019 property taxes on a $400,000 residence in will be $2,038.60, which is an increase of $32 from 2018.

Residential property owners who experienced a decrease in the market value of their properties of greater than 1.59% will see a reduction in their property taxes.

The capital budget of $20,028,810 was also approved by Council.

County Manager Tim Timmons states that, “The County continues to ensure that its natural, financial and physical resources are managed in ways that provide maximum value for ratepayers.” He added: “The 2019 operating budget, capital budget, and municipal tax rates have been established in a manner which provides for the continued delivery of a high level of important services and programs for our citizens in the most cost-effective manner possible.”

Property taxes are due on August 31.

(Lacombe County)