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Alberta RCMP issue reminder about returning to seasonal properties

May 2, 2019 | 10:22 AM

Alberta RCMP are reminding citizens to keep safety in mind when returning to and opening their seasonal properties.

“First and foremost, if there was a break-in to a seasonal property over the winter, always report it to your local RCMP detachment,” it’s stated in a release.

“This information can be used in current investigations and to help plan future patrols. In 2018, there were over 8,600 reports of break and enters to homes, outbuildings, and cottages. This is equivalent to 23.5 reports per day. It’s likely that some of these break-ins were committed by repeat offenders.”

They go on to say that Albertans should consider that simple changes to property can go a long way towards preventing and detering criminals from breaking and entering.

Some of the tips they offer include:

· Set phone notifications to remind you to follow a routine

· Double check all doors and windows are locked

· Put away valuables usually left at seasonal properties

· Install motion lights

· Have someone check on your property while you’re away

· Report all suspicious activity to police

· Remove signs on property that identify you by name

· Don’t post on social media that you’re away

Alberta RCMP will be using Facebook (@RCMPinAlberta) and Twitter (@RCMPAlberta) reminders using the hashtag #TripTips to keep the message fresh during the month of May.