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The Canadian Press
Oil by Rail

Notley touting oil-by-rail plan

Apr 1, 2019 | 12:05 PM

Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley is continuing to tout her party’s plan to move the province’s oil-by-rail plan until more pipelines are built.

On Monday, Notley spoke directly to Calgarians suggesting UCP Leader Jason Kenney’s plan to cancel Alberta’s oil-by-rail deal is bad for the city, bad for the province and bad for Calgarians.

“Not only does moving oil by rail clear the backlog, reduce the differential, save jobs, and make a considerable profit, it sends the right signal to international investors,” said Notley, in a press release. “Jason Kenney’s plan to cancel Alberta’s rail deal will leave 120,000 barrels of oil a day in the ground, deprive Alberta of $2.2 billion in revenue and do nothing to move our resources while pipelines get built.”

Notley is said to have spoke about the history of the decision, noting last fall the failure of successive federal governments to build new pipelines which she claims helped drive the oil price differential to record highs.

Party officials say Notley responded decisively, temporarily curtailing production to stabilize the price and signing a deal to lease 4,400 rail cars.

If re-elected, party officials say the government will move an additional 120,000 barrels a day, with a multi-year, $3.7 billion investment beginning this July, resulting in an increase in royalties and revenues with a return of $5.9 billion.

“Mr. Kenney’s plan foregoes $2.2 billion and leaves our oil in the ground,” says Notley. “If you re-elect me as your Premier, I will move our oil, one way or another. Calgarians deserve no less and, Calgary, I’m fighting for you.”