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Campaign Trail

Major party leaders make announcements in the big cities Monday

Apr 1, 2019 | 10:01 AM

Here’s a look at where the party leaders are Monday on the campaign trail for the April 16 Alberta election;

Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley is continuing to tout her party’s plan to move the province’s oil-by-rail plan until more pipelines are built.

United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney told an Edmonton audience a United Conservative government would save Albertans from the Notley/Trudeau Alliance’s planned 11.2 cents per litre carbon tax on gas.

Alberta Party Leader Stephen Mandel is in Calgary to comment on federal-provincial relations and visit the Seton Seniors Community in Calgary-South East before finishing the day door-knocking in Calgary East.

Alberta Liberal Leader David Khan announced the party’s Affordable Dental Care Platform while on the campaign trail in Calgary on Monday. Khan will also spend the day door-knocking in the riding of Calgary-Mountain View.