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NDP unveil platform, Liberals talk healthcare

Mar 31, 2019 | 11:42 AM

NDP Leader Rachel Notley’s party platform announcement was the main event of day 13 on the campaign trail.

From Edmonton, the incumbent premier launched a platform she says puts jobs and families first.

It includes commitments such as building the Trans-Mountain Pipeline expansion, defending public healthcare, and building 70 new schools.

UCP candidate for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre Jason Nixon responded on behalf of the party.

Nixon said the platform is more of the same, high debt and low credibility, and that it offers no plan to fight back in support of needed pipelines.

Meanwhile, the Alberta Party said on Sunday morning that it will enact new regulations for the massage therapy profession by establishing a regulatory college.

Leader Stephen Mandel said the proposal is about protecting Albertans, with Calgary-Varsity candidate Beth Barberree adding that there has been an ongoing stream of sexual assault charges stemming from predatory massage therapists.

Mandel’s party also announced plans to reform the current code of conduct for MLAs so that sexual misconduct allegations against members are not looked at with a double standard.

The Alberta Liberals, meantime, were announcing their Sustainable Healthcare Strategy, which includes a commitment for 2200 new long-term beds, and a $150 million investment in homecare and assisted living.

This story will be updated as announcements are made.