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Renovations to begin this fall at Lacombe Hospital

Jun 18, 2018 | 6:18 AM

LACOMBE — Participants in the Lacombe Health Trust’s 27th annual Lacombe Hospital Charity Golf Classic were given the first look at renovation plans for the emergency department at the Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre.

Major redevelopment of the emergency department, anticipated to begin this fall, will enhance triage and treatment spaces and improve patient and staff safety at the Alberta Health Services facility.

Renovations are also expected to improve patient flow within the department.

“The improvements to this emergency department will have a range of benefits for patients and their families, including greater privacy and quicker access to medical care,” says Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Health. “I also want to thank local donors for their dedication and commitment raising funds for this project. We’re proud to partner with you to support greater healthcare delivery in your community.”

Renovations will include:

A new waiting room area with clear visibility from triage and admitting areas.
Barrier-free public washrooms.
Co-location of triage and admitting.
Improved patient flow.
New nursing and admitting work stations.
Improved work environment for nurses and physicians.
Improved infection prevention and control practices.
Improved safety for patients and staff.
Improved infrastructure, including emergency power and lighting.

The $3.1-million project is being led by Alberta Health Services in partnership with the Lacombe Health Trust.

AHS is contributing $1.8 million for construction, project design and consulting engineering.

“Projects like this help ensure we’re able to deliver the best care possible in a safe and functional environment for years to come,” says Kerry Bales, Chief Zone Officer, AHS Central Zone. “Over the years the many donations from the Lacombe Health Trust have made a positive impact on healthcare in the community, and we are incredibly grateful to the Lacombe Health Trust and their generous donors.”

Through community donors, the Lacombe Health Trust has pledged $1.3 million towards the project for new equipment, construction costs and a donor recognition display.

“We often speak with staff at the Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre about where we can help out,” says Jim Dixon Jr., Board Chair of the Lacombe Health Trust. “We were made aware of the need for improvement to patient flow in the emergency department and funded a feasibility study with monies raised at our annual charity golf tournament in 2015.

Prior to the establishment of the Lacombe Health Trust, volunteers have raised funds for enhancing healthcare at the hospital through the annual golf event.

Through small and large donations alike, the event has raised nearly $200,000 since 2010.

About 24,000 visits are made to the local emergency department every year.

The facility provides services for about 22,000 people living in Lacombe and surrounding areas.

The emergency department will remain open and operational during construction.

(Gary McKinnon)

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