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Clearview Public Schools launches enhanced Incident Response Plan

Feb 10, 2018 | 1:57 PM

Newly enhanced incident response plans are now in place for students and staff with Clearview Public Schools.

District officials say ‘Hour Zero’ covers a large spectrum of possible emergency situations, including fire, school intruders and environmental events.

During any incident, officials say the first priority is the safety of students and staff, so the Incident Response Plan will pertain to all schools and worksites within the Clearview Public School District.

The plan is said to work in conjunction with other local response plans, since a school incident could require the involvement of numerous agencies. The plans created for individual schools, along with the Clearview Plan, are reviewed annually and after an incident occurs.

Officials say there is an on-site incident response team at each school, along with a Clearview-based Incident Response Team that provides support and aid to schools when an incident occurs. In addition, all staff are regularly trained on response protocols, while drills are practiced at each school as well.

However, although Clearview collaborates closely with local first responders to ensure plans are coordinated with the appropriate agencies, officials note Clearview’s plans do not replace the authority of law enforcement , fire or EMS but work in full cooperation with them.

For more details on Hour Zero, click here.