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Clearwater County releases details for Economic Development Strategy

Jul 19, 2018 | 10:17 AM

The findings from Clearwater County’s economic development survey have been released.

County administration has sought public input for the past four months as they work to create an Economic Development Strategy.

The sources of public input include an open house, two surveys for residents and business owners, and discussions with four local real estate agencies and a property appraiser.

From the public’s input, the County identified obstacles, strengths and opportunities for business growth.

Some obstacles identified include a lack of zoned and serviced land, a lack of access to high speed internet, and a misconception that the area has a low quality of life and is not open to new business. 

The County says these obstacles make it difficult to attract new skilled employees, new business and any major development.

However, administration also pointed out three key strengths for business growth. They include the beautiful land with tourism opportunities, the distance to major provincial cities, and effective transportation.

Next, administration looked at the data and identified seven ways to improve the local environment for business growth.

The suggestions include having shovel ready land for both residential and commercial development, promoting the area to outside investors, and improving sectors that make the area attractive like housing, shopping and recreation.

Based on the input gathered, administration identified four areas of focus for the Economic Development Strategy:

• Prepare to have Growth of Business – This focus would include improving land availability for development and reviewing the needs of industries within the County.  The goal is to make it easy for current businesses to expand and new ones to come here while meeting the needs of the community.

• Prepare to have Growth of People – This focus would include improving the quality of place for those who live here and those who are considering living here.  The goal is to make Clearwater County attractive for residents and future employees to live and stay here.

• Promote Opportunities – This focus would include promoting tourism, transportation corridors, and lifestyle.  The goal is to work with businesses and residents to showcase why this is a great area to live, work, and invest in.

• Foster a Culture of Growth – This focus would include community engagement about why we need growth, work with stakeholders to identify and share with the public where future growth may come from, and discuss with the community ways to have sustainable growth.  The goal is to have a community that supports and invests in the future of itself.

The findings will be presented to Clearwater County Council on Tuesday, July 24.

Council will then decide whether to approve the four main area of focus for the Economic Development Strategy.