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Golden Circle hosting conversation for aging LGBTQ community

Aug 3, 2017 | 11:17 AM

Aging is something everyone faces, and the LGBTQ community is no exception. They do, however, face challenges that others may not be aware of.

A community conversation is being held at the Golden Circle on August 15th from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to discuss the obstacles that the LGBTQ community faces as they reach an age where they need in-home health care or assisted living accomodations.

Monica Morrison, executive director of the Golden Circle, says the conversation is really meant to educate service providers and the public about the complexities of the situation.

“The other issue is reaching out for help especially older seniors. Being gay was against the law, so there’s a lot of trauma from youth that’s still instilled in them that makes it difficult to trust and reach out if they need help.”

Morrison adds it’s imperative to ensure that all members of the community feel they have the support, access to services, and acceptance when seeking any type of care.

“If people need help to stay in their own home I want them to feel comfortable reaching out. We just want to start the conversation and get people to ensure there are practices and policies and procedures and support for people in the LGBTQ community.”

The community conversation is open for all to attend. Morrison says the public, members of the LGBTQ community, and allies and friends/family of the LGBTQ community are all welcome to come out and have their voice heard.

Morrison notes some of the issues faced by the LGBTQ community that others may not be aware of include both assisted living housing, and medical care including any kind of bathing or grooming.

“For example if a partner needs to be placed in supportive or long term care, their relationship shouldn’t change. So that means that a partner should be able to go in and show affection and love to their partner,” she explains.

Morrison said that the transgender community faces their own challenges with medical care in their senior years where care staff may not be expecting, or accepting of, the body types they are assisting with.  

Three speakers will be present at the community conversation who have great involvement in the LGBTQ community. Michael Phair, Serge Gingras and Alyx Thomas will all speak to their experiences and expertise in the community.

“Everybody ages. Younger people from the [LGBTQ] community would want to have a voice and say what it is that their expectations are. We have to make sure that we have systems in place that are accepting of everybody.”