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May 16, 2018 is Conscious Kindness Day

Apr 25, 2018 | 8:58 AM

“We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter.  I definitely want to contribute to that.” – Ellen DeGeneres 
Here at United Way Central Alberta, we’d like to see more kindness and compassion as well.  On Wednesday May 16th, 2018 we will be joining all of Canada’s United Ways for “Conscious Kindness Day” #LocalLove.  Why kindness?  There are a lot of reasons, but all you need to remember is how it felt when someone was kind to you.  That’s why.  It makes our community better for everyone.   
It’s easy to treat people harshly in a time where common courtesy is mistaken for kindness.  People often don’t know their neighbours, they screen their calls, argue with internet trolls, and people in power occasionally set poor examples.   
Let’s make May 16th about Conscious Kindness.  Compliment that extra-quiet coworker.  Cook for a new parent, have patience with someone who is unburdening their troubles. Seek out people who are isolated and see if they’re doing okay.  Do someone a favour.  
Sometimes, it’s enough to smile and say “Hello”.  “Muffins for the office” works well too.  We have posters for you to hang to help encourage everyone to do something nice for no reason at all.   
Then, share your joy on social media with the hashtag #LocalLove.  Post about kindness you’ve experienced or witnessed happening, it’s contagious!