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Market Watch NOW available on rdnewsNOW

Apr 13, 2018 | 1:00 PM

Beginning NOW, the rdnewsNOW Business page is your new home for the latest financial tips and advice, as well as current information about the world’s stock markets and economies.

rdnewsNOW and The Zukiwsky Group – ScotiaWealth are teaming up to bring readers weekly updates, called Market Watch.

“The financial world is always changing and that’s the exciting part,” says Dion Zukiwsky, Branch Manager and Director of Wealth Management. “Because there is such a rapid amount of change, what we want to do is try and provide some clarity and filter through what’s really important for people to look at and how it affects their own financial world.”

On partnering with rdnewsNOW, Zukiwsky adds, “We’re just really excited to see the growth of rdnewsNOW and that more and more people are using a digital platform to get their information. We wanted to partner with what we feel is the top online resource for central Alberta news.”