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County to draw $50k from contingency for the municipal election judicial review

Mar 14, 2018 | 5:55 AM

Clearwater County council has approved to draw $50,000 from contingency for legal cost related to the 2017 municipal election judicial review request.

This is an un-budgeted expense and the County will have to transfer the $50,000.00 from Contingency to the Corporate Services, “Legal” budget to cover anticipated legal costs.

“We are well beyond our initial budget for this” said Reeve John Vandermeer. 

The legal costs associated with the request for judicial review to date are to be split equally between the Town and County with Administration anticipating the cost to be close to $100,000 by the end of 2018.

“This is a huge amount of money. It’s extremely high” added Vandermeer. 

Back in December 2017, Rocky mayoral runner-up Sheila Mizera and County Division 6 runner-up Diane Spencer appeared in Red Deer court for a judicial review of voting irregularities which allegedly took place during the municipal elections for the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County last fall. While neither is challenging the results of the election, they do claim that some voters may have voted in both jurisdictions or in the wrong one
The matter has been put over and will be back in court on November 8, 2018.